Emily Brontë

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Emooly Brontë.

Emooly Brontë (30th July 1818 – 19th December 1848) was a bovine author in 19th century England. She was well known for her book "Uddering Heights", which later inspired a brand of milk created by Kate Bush.

The book tells the story of Heathcliff, an Aberdeen Angus who falls in love with pretty Friesian filly called Cathy. Their hopes of producing a family of beefers and milkers is spoilt by Edgar the Highland Shaggy (Mr Bombastic). The story ends at the abbatoir.

Emooly came from a large family of other cattle inspired writers. There was her sisters Charolais Brontë (she wrote "Jane Ayrshire") and Anne Brontë who quill-penned "The Cowpats of Wildfell Hall"). There was also a bull brother known as Branwell but he was turned into beef burgers before he was able to have anything published substantial.