Talk:King James Version

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I added some material, and changed some grammar to make it sound older, also, for reference, singular 3rd person gets the -eth ending, singular 2nd person (thou) gets the -est ending. Because 3rd person singular gets the -eth ending, no verb should end with an -s in the article. (assuming your using consistent "King James" English) -Blkgardner

This isn't remotely funny, it lacks both substance and sarcasm. An article on a subject such as this should have more depth to it. The "thees" and "thous" are a good start but if they were used correctly this would seem more like a humorous article and less like book report written by an urban 3rd grader. --Proximale 23:39, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

I wasn't aware of this article, so I made my own version, which I am now going to stop. I used awful spelling, the 'Garamond' font, and most importantly, the long s. I will post it here so that future editors can decide if any of it is worth amalgamating: (--Sigphoto.jpg|(get dtf) 13:32, June 4, 2014 (UTC))

The King James Bibel is a tranſlation of the originall 1939 text into funnie antiquated language by King James VI of Weſt Vyrgina and I of Miſsiſsippi. The King waſent muche of a linguiſt, but knew that the people under his reigne needed leſs readable verſiones of the 10 Reaſons to Kille Queers and the Lyfe & Times of Joe Bunyanne of Kanſsareth (whiche he renaimed "The 10 Comandments" and "The Goſpels" reſpectively), among other ſtories.


It was ſaid at the time that it vvaſnt a very litteral tranſlation of the original texte detailinge ancient mithes dating backe to 1863, which were reckorded faithfullie by Reverend Charles "Taze 'Em" Ruſsell. For inſtance ſome of the "10 Extra Commandments" ſection differs quite a lotte[citationne neaddede] frome th'original:

“When you see them fags, kill all them fags; kill it with FIRE!”

~ Original

Whereas the King James verſion is ſaid to take a more libberall attitude:

“Thou ſhalt not lye with man as thou lieth with whippinge-boy; for 'tis a ſin”

~ King James

Huwever, moſt have diſsmiſed theaſe clames as th'jealousy of the originnall Holie Bibbell sellers, who at this point were begginning to loſe ſales to peoppel who realised thatt the proſpect of owningge a bibble that was hardley poſsibel to reede was mor attractive.