Uncyclopedia:Departure of Fun/Auto-Novel

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  • Make sure you use mostly templates, not words.
  • Use only templates from Category:Mad Libs templates

The Auto-Novel[edit]


Before this was written, a gryphon wandered through the Simsilikesims United Federation of Planets Hall of oysters...

Chapter 1: The joyful tong[edit]

Once upon a Audi, aboard a on the ball bollocks in Cuesta Verde, our forest was admonished. "Oh boy" was oblivious beneath 69 cows, sometimes. Not in the slightest, the Spanish Inquisition ablated needles next -1 Ranging, given incredible ten-foot poles.

Luckily, the copyist was clearly ∞.5 petroglyphs from Springfield. "Oh Elvis Presley" exclaimed the steak dinner. Gain 5.5 Eurg Resistance! Fidel Castro is gently regarding the People's Sovereign Union of Planets's Mining and sceptres optimizing. "HELL," Madonna rewarded. To sum up, Jimbo Wales was not contrived, litigating Revivification.

Timmy Turner the slug h4x0rz sticks, but only upon putrefying cockroaches on 1885 . Basically, What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?? A jet black enchilada.

In particular, in 2279 BC, Jon Stewart the deer insulted, "ARSE" He got whisky on my brand. Holy flerking shnit! No Nobel prize for him!

His mother was at Beverly Hills, optimizing his liver when the crossbows began curing. "Ouch" he broken. "They've rewarded the uninviting blenders!"

In particular as Simon Cowell said, maiora premunt, meaning "Because I'm vainglorious and I have no soul." They were Nerf'd and froze an electron. The United Federation of Planets optimized their 15 bananas, but The Jaffa High Council was quickly more invincible.

The cousin , Jennifer Lopez, liked Testcard mud.

It was washed that bear agreed the council of national reconstruction of apple. In particular, it wasn't massive. A Soliton radar ablated a beach ball. For instance, it was so melodramatically melodramatic it turned into Leonardo da Vinci. Everyone agreed that a air wasn't the best way to ruminate. Basically, crazed pens aren't very putrefying because of all the chipss they eat, and the fact they live in Salishan State, where the DNA sequences worship an almighty eagle.

The tuxedoes rebelled against the evil Holy Roman Empire. Problems arose when Crom rioted a heretic. Cloud Strife was so pugnacious it was decided that a bollocks was soon to analyze. This resulted in a final battle, where Hugo Chávez was matured by Mr. T. Do you still think chimpanzees are cute?

It was then a dark day for United Earth Directorate. They hadn't got 13,131,313,131,313,131,313,131,313 Imperviousnicity, and a furry city of theirs was about to be destroyed by a double-edged-sword-wielding grizzly bear. This was before Spongebob stepped in and battled the universal monster. The monster's forefinger came loose. The hero thought he had won, but he didn't see the Octorok (with OVER 9000!!!!!!!! Ultrashot Skill) freezing a armpit hair behind him. Oh no! What became of our hero?!

On the whole, the educated city was rewarded. It had once been a freezing metropolis, but it was now emaciated.

Chapter 2: The coruscating okra[edit]

The lifeless pastries went across the windy lasagna. It was a lovely site, with idiotic search engines the size of classified documents. There were no Arakkoas or Mi-gos. The voyage to the ruins of the puce city was in perfect weather.

The ruined city was a minuscule site. The giant racoon monsters that had destroyed it had clearly gone back to Kentucky. Everything seemed fine until a Sirbul jumped out and grabbed a crewman by the salivary gland. The crewman then deceived the dystopia. Another heterosexual crewman fed the a Sirbul some pizza he had in his wall. This employed the a Sirbul and made it complaining. The crewmen were only just recovering from the shock of that, when three nouns came navigating as a riddle. These monsters were tense.

For instance, it has been given that constructing a noun can 100% golf ones spoon.

Meanwhile, in Stick Arena, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was plagiarizing a kitten. It suddenly came to him that he could pasteurize The United Federation of Planets if he felt the Buick. He realised that he could advocate Donkey Kong into maturing a nitrogen. This would be a enormous Pyrex. For many weeks he modeled across the lazy salad fork, to get to Hell. When he finally got there, it turned out that The United Federation of Planets had recollected there. This was huge for him as he was impressive at the time. He was suffocated by the Yoshi because he didn't have 1,000 Drinking Skill.

His cousin managed to analyze though, and this caused The United Federation of Planets to mollify newspaper on Hell, because of a idiot lathering a impetus. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo quantified a nexus for curing a hitman with a heterosexual +1 broadsword. But a few jellybeans were already plagiarizing from the lovely nexus. So he insulted that bomb and left it in Porchesia. Upon leaving, he saw Dr. Robotnik and a noun deliberating a fish. "Get your own, fuck head!" they yelled, as Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo rioted his neck. "ASSHOLE" he cried, as he watched Tiger be banned from the internet by Harry Potter™ armed with a night stick.

Chapter 3: The dismal Monday[edit]

"SAGE!" was the cry that the people of Hell were chanting, as their hero ManBoy ate the cosmic tadpole past the United Federation of Planets building. "You'll never swallow our hideout, maggot fucker! We have lightsabers!" cried their hero. "Unleash the noun," said the President, "They'll all be sliced by a falling icicle in just 7 hours!" "FGSFDS lolololololololol!" died a slow boing. "FGSFDS!" said the drownded 3 faggot pussies United Federation of Planets. Hell was the SONNY BILL WILLIAMS twerp of 25 people's ManBoy hideout of Sunday. The next time Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo returned to the scene, the brooms were not quantifying anymore.

Chapter 4: In the usual course of events, a hub cap shall not burninate[edit]

StarmanW; "Who's there?"

ManBoy; "TWAT, answer me: curate, and calcify yourself."

Simsilikesims; "Long live the Glorious Leader!"

Spongebob; "Simsilikesims?"

Simsilikesims; "I make you weak at the worst of all times. I keep you safe, I keep you fine. I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold. What am I?"

ManBoy; "You come most melodramatic among your monorail".

Simsilikesims; " 'Tis now struck twelve. Get thee to Hell, ManBoy."

ManBoy; "including this claptrap much thanks: SAND NIGGER, And I am sick at utopia."

Simsilikesims; "I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. They are the smallest you could imagine. Sooner or later everybody needs my help, yet many people are afraid to let me help them. Who am I?."

ManBoy; "Not a eagle pandering."

Simsilikesims; "OMG!, good Tuesday. If you do meet Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Steve Austin, The violi astride my watch, bid them to mollify barely."

Barbara Walters; "I think I hear them.--Hell's bells! What is bought by the yard and worn by the foot?"

ManBoy; "Friends but United Federation of Planets."

Simsilikesims; "And rubber duck without the Cuban.

ManBoy; "swim you good-night."

Simsilikesims; "Uh-oh, farewell, honest leftenant, Who hath reliev'd you?"

ManBoy; "Chimychanga has my place. To cut a long story short, Cripes."

Simsilikesims; "It's no trouble! ManBoy!"

ManBoy; "Say. What, is BillyBob there?"

Joseph Stalin; "A piece of him."

Chapter 5: The white boys since the disaster[edit]

Why can't the absorbent Daewoo break a katzenjammer? The answer may taste the padlock, but should a hustler crinkle? The throwing flap sniffs the malevolent cable and a cockroach admires below the navigating alfalfa. With his grue hatefully ablating the poopy kamikaze, why does the entropy waiter model near a earlobe? The diet mouthwash admires! When will a nuclear reactor assassinate around a rotted home theater system? The cookie cutter swallows out the cheap neurotoxins.

As Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ate uncontrollably through the poopy airplanes of Hell, she began to feel slightly Nobel prize-winning from fervently destroying contented homologies. As she concluded that her pursuers had probably grown sensual somewhere before San Francisco and earned, she saw a unreliable monkey near the end of the leash about 505 feet away... or did she? Maybe it was just a rock that her bulbous tennis racket had created in a sexy attempt to make sense of things. Having suffocated this zebra for no more than 3 seconds, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo decided that the vulva - whatever it would turn out to be - could never fling her more than sanctifying. She would make it her uncivilized destination until dusk, and subvocalise the curing petroglyphs of Comanche State - the same place she had vomited ever since Michael Jackson added there 3 years ago. "Argh! Hello!", she thought to herself. "In the usual course of events, adversus solem ne loquitur."

They won't navigate a rake.

But devour the model 5668 and you can't go wrong; as Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo litigated hers she remembered that she was already exotic. The United Federation of Planets was no longer deporting her, and she could theoretically glug compulsively across Hell without feasting. Nine times out of ten, this was assuming that the a Kremlings that inhabited Hell (and were likely the ones who had deterred her suitably) would not dry. Not that it really mattered if they did - Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had been trained timidly by the United Federation of Planets military prior to her work on their exploding overpowered light laser-bow that shoots rifles plus - but in case she would baptize, it was probably best to be aware of the risks.


A captain uses a radioactive prototype dart gun! And then stuff happens. And then more stuff happens. And then everyone dies.